300 BookTube Subscriber Giveaway! (Closed)

Yes! The 300 BookTube Subscriber Giveaway is finally here And I have the Rafflecopter link for you to enter the Giveaway! After much thought and all your lovely comments on the video that you can see here: I have made the decision that you can chose one book of the first books to Melanie DickersonsContinue reading “300 BookTube Subscriber Giveaway! (Closed)”

The Daughter of a King

What determines our identity? Recently I have been on a quest to pursue my Royal blood line connections. Fascinating stuff as it is, it is a daunting task. I know there is Royal blood in me because my DNA links to those who bear it. Determining which line it comes from, and how far back,Continue reading “The Daughter of a King”

Knowing what you’re good at!

WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? The age old question. In high school, there was so much preassure to know what you were going to spend the rest of your life doing before heading off to college. I had no clue. I knew very little about myself. The things that IContinue reading “Knowing what you’re good at!”

Beginnings are to be cherished

Looking back at this last year, I have had a lot of new beginnings. Change can be a scary thing sometimes. It rattles us from what we know and throws us into unfamiliar grounds. Beginnings can oftentimes be hard. Take for example, starting over in a new life after a loved one has passed. Or,Continue reading “Beginnings are to be cherished”